Agile Notebook - A digital SCRUM/KANBAN tool
for SCRUM Masters and and Agile Leads

A digital SCRUM/KANBAN tool or notebook in a digital format which assists SCRUM Masters and Agile Leads to structure meeting notes and findings.
All notes online on a single place, search within notes, connect to Jira and get insights with the build-in sprint evaluation and team's performance KPIs out of the box.
Make self-assessments, set goals, see last sprint action items and common team definitions like definition of done.

The situation

In our role as SCRUM-Master we every day carry our branded and sticker personalised paper book always with us and our notebook for Jira and Confluence. We are prepared for our next agile meeting. Every tab is opened in advanced. Well done…

But there are always some questions left:

This is where this digital tool "Agile Notebook" comes in place.

It basically must:

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How does it help to coach the team?

But how does it support me?

Structure notes and findings:
Write down your observations and findings in a structured way and search in it. Document internal team dynamics.
Drive self-and team-development:
Make self-assessments about you and your team's performance, get an outside view to derive goals and actions and to figure out focus areas. Track your own and team's progress over time and share with your team or lead.
Sprint dashboard:
Have always an answer when you are asked about the current sprint status or the team's performance KPIs. This tool replaces time consuming tasks by automating reports and forecasts creation.
Warnings and hints:
Get informed before something runs out of control. Recognize possible risks in advance. Especially for new SCRUM-Masters this feature can be a huge benefit. Experienced one are well supported when working with more than one team.

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